Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English
Learning tools
This resource, which has taken as a reference various style guides, including the European Commission Directorate-General for Translation’s English Style Guide, is divided into eleven sections: spelling, punctuation, upper and lower case, abbreviations and symbols, proper names, non-sexist language use, singular and plural, translation criteria, writing, tools for writing texts, and templates of documents. It also contains appendices with common abbreviations, notable plural forms and Latin expressions with their English equivalents.
level of English equivalent to B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
strengthen and improve English skills for writing letters and emails, certificates, reports, requests, decisions, notifications and agreements.
teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff and language professionals who need to write institutional documents in English.
the writing of clear, accurate institutional texts in linguistic, formal terms.